LJI Business Management Journal
About this journal
This business management journal of LJI is the academic journal that provides opportunities for researchers to present their research works in the field of business management, economy, technology, education and social science, and distributes useful information to various sector in Laos.
All the papers are original and have been reviewed by the committee. Laos – Japan Human Resource Development Institute of National University of Laos functions as an administration office for this journal publication.
Editor board
Members of the executive board
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bounlouane Douangeune, Director of Laos - Japan Human Resource Development Institute, Lao PDR.
Prof. Dr. Younosuke Hara, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan.
Mr. Yasujiro Suzuki, JICA Chief Advisor, Laos - Japan Human Resource Development Institute
Members of the editing and publishing committee
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bounlouane Douangeune, Director of Laos - Japan Human Resource Development Institute, Lao PDR.
Prof. Dr. Fumino Yoshino, Takushoku University, Japan. Prof. Dr. Kazuhiro Fukuyo, Yamaguchi University.
Prof. Dr. Nobuo Hirohata, Yamaguchi University. Assoc. Prof. Makoto Takei, President and CEO of Digital Knowledge Co.,Ltd.

9th Volume (Published on September 2018)
A Collection of Special topics on Knowledge Management Corporate Strategy, Trade Policy and Leadership
Table of Content
Knowledge management in organization of the President’s affiliated office, National University of Laos
Consumer behavior and factors influencing decision to buy ready-made fruit juice The case of M-Point Mart Thatluang and Mekong riverside branches
Analysis of the effects and utilization of agreements and cooperative frameworks related to economics and international trade in ASEAN community
A study on effect of transformational leaderships on employee’s performance in KVP Security Service Co., Ltd
Strategic management of retail industry in Lao PDR in the context of ASEAN economic integration

8th Volume (Published on July 2017)
A Collection of Special topics on Banking, Corporate Strategy, Logistics Development, Public-Private Partnerships in Education Development and Enterprise Knowledge Management
Table of Content
FinTech contribute to the advantage of backwardness - a case study of Laos
A study on Public-Private Partnership in bridging skill supply and demand in the automotive industries in Lao PDR
Challenges on logistics business development in Lao PDR
Local firm's response to global financial crisis: A case study of an Apparel Factory in Lao PDR
The knowledge management in medium size Agricultural Company: The case study of Mittaphab Development Agriculture Company Limited (MDA)